How To Install Bathroom Tiles

Laying your bathroom tiles with a dynamic flooring pattern or a deep wall color can make the difference as you remodel your bathroom floor. A nice bathroom needs a ceramic tile floor.

Before laying the bathroom tiles, start by removing your old carpet and carpet strips. Use a cutoff saw to make room for the bathroom tile to slip under the doorjambs. Place a portion of the tile pattern starting at the doorway to set up a centerline and then strike a chalk line.

Cut the bathroom tile with a wet saw or tile snips. Work your way up one side of the room and down the other. Allow 1/8" for grout lines; spacers can be used for consistency. Mix the thinnest using an electric drill with a mixing bit.

Mix small amounts at a time, adding water slowly to maintain the right consistency. Mix enough to lay down a dozen or so bathroom tile at once, and be ready to go to work as the thinnest dries quickly using a trowel to apply the thinnest to the floor.

When the bathroom tiles are all in place and some-what dry, use a grout saw to scrape the excess thinnest out of the joints where the grout will go. A shop van will clean most of this up, but use a wet sponge to get the surface clean. Once dry, begin applying the grout with a rubber trowel.

One more sponge cleaning will be required to get up the film once the bathroom tiles is dried completely. It's recommended to apply a grout sealer after about 48 hours or so to help avoid any staining problems that occur during normal use.

Mistakes You'll Want to Avoid When Laying Tile in Your Bathroom
There are some people who decide to actually install the tile on their own. If you happen to decide to put down the new tile for your bathroom remodeling project, then you'll have a bit job to do. When you get started, there are a few mistakes that you should definitely avoid, including the following ones.

Preparing the Easy Way
One thing that you need to avoid is doing the preparation the easy way. When you go the easy route, it can make the whole job harder. Before you lay the tile, it is imperative that you make sure that the surface is both clean and smooth. You can use a sander to help get the surface smooth enough to work with. If you don't do this, it is going to be more difficult to install your tile.

Not Getting Enough of the Tile
Not getting enough of the tile you have chosen is another mistake you really need to avoid. You see, you never know when you may need a bit more tile. Your measurements could have been off, you may make a mistake or even crack a tile, then you'll need a new one. So, it's a good rule of thumb to get about 15% more than you plan on needed, just in case there is a problem. Then, if you do have a bit left over, you can keep it in case there is a tile that gets cracked or damaged at a later date.

Not Using a Waterproof Adhesive
Not using waterproof adhesive is another big mistake to avoid. Since you are laying tile in the bathroom, where there is a lot of water and moisture, you need to make sure that you use an adhesive that is waterproof. If you don't use a waterproof adhesive, it can later crumble or rot away and cause problems with your tile. So, make sure that you go with the right adhesive for the tile in the bathroom.

Uneven Spacing of the Tiles
You'll also want to avoid the mistake of getting uneven spacing between the tiles you are installing. If the spacing is off, in the future your tiles may come loose. So, it is best to measure the gaps that are between the tiles, so you know that they are spaced correctly and you don't have problems in the future that could have been prevented.

Grouting Before the Tile is Ready
Grouting the tile before it is read is another problem to avoid. Many people try to grout right away, but you should really wait a whole 24 hours before you decide to do the grout work. This way you'll be sure that the adhesive on the tile has really set and they won't move around while you are adding the grout to the tiling.

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